Prayer for the University of St. Thomas...

Prayer given to first students by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

O God, Who desirest that all men should come to the knowledge of truth, and to this end did
enlighten the world with the wonderful learning of St. Thomas Aquinas, mercifully grant that this
University dedicated to his name, may be a seat of wisdom to the young, a mother of good
counsel to the community, a blessing to all its benefactors and as Thy Eternal Truth did become
flesh and dwell amongst us, so may that same Truth become action in all Thy students, that they
may think the things that are right, and under Thy merciful guidance perform the same.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Charter granted to U.S.T. January 28, 1947
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

The Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation, Texas Chapter
P.O. Box 11810, Spring, TX 77391 • • The Sheen Foundation is a non-profit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Tax I.D. 37-1411870